Wah Yuen has been found in 1958 and aims at tapping the snack food market in Hong Kong. Mr. But Ching Pui, the founder of the Group, decided to enter into the snack food market at that time because (i) the snack food industry was less competitive with only a few variety of snack food such as potato chips and peanuts in the market; (ii) snack food was popular with a huge potential market; and (iii) the belief that his innovative ideas on snack food recipes would be widely accepted by the general public.


The business of the Group was further developed with the assistance of his two sons, Mr. But Chai Tong and Mr. But Ka Wai, who have introduced innovative ideas which complemented the traditional management style of Mr. But Ching Pui.


In view of the success of the brand name of Wah Yuen, the Group increased its market penetration by introducing the brand name of Rocco to China in 1994. Rocco products are mainly targeted for the mass market segment, whereas Wah Yuen products are mainly targeted for the premium market segment.


To capture the increasing demand for snack food products, the Group launched a new line of products under the brand name of 采楓 in China in 1997. 采楓 products are targeted for the younger generation and for the medium to low end market segment in China. The 采楓 products are generally packaged in a more colourful manner.


Wah Yuen attained the "A Grade Certificate" in 2006 in recognition of its production facilities, which demonstrated the Group's longstanding commitment to hygiene standards and quality control. Significantly, Wah Yuen successfully established a strategic partnership with Sojitz Corporation ("Sojitz"; a merger between Nichimen Corporation and Nissho lwai Corporation), a large listed conglomerate in Japan and a leading international corporation with businesses spanning the globe.